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CIOReviewIndia is an Enterprise IT magazine published from Bangalore. It serves as a platform for CIOs and equivalents to share their views on new technology trends, and learn from each other’s experiences. Being a neutral knowledge hub for technology decision makers, we take pride in providing a trustworthy and knowledgeable media platform for CIOs and other technology buyers to share their insights, which in turn helps technology and business leaders with analysis of information technology trends and provides them with an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities in adoption of new technologies.      

We strive to provide our readers with a kaleidoscopic outlook of every market segment from a CIO’s perspective. Delving deep into the nuances of the segment, we endeavor to bring to the technology buyers vital insights from their peers, thus helping them in their technology adoption journey. Senior executives and decision makers of enterprises consider CIOReviewIndia a go-to platform to promulgate their innovative ideas and gain from the experience of their counterparts. We believe the onus is on us to continue serving as the unique platform that we are and take the technology discourse to the next level.

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